Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bowing to peer pressure, I have been tagged

ANSWER USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to tag the person you received it from!

1. Where is your cell phone? LANDFILL

2. Your significant other? STRONG

3. Your hair? GRAYING

4. Your mother? AMAZING

5. Your father? TALENTED

6. Your favorite thing? CAMERA

7. Your dream last night? SCARY

8. Your favorite drink? TEA

9. Your dream/goal? LIQUIDITY

10. What room you are in? DINING

11. Your hobby? ART

12. Your fear? HOMELESSNESS

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? HOUSEOWNER

14. Where were you last night? HOME

16. Muffins? PUMPKIN

17. Wish list item? HOUSE

18. Where you grew up? VIRGINIA

19. Last thing you did? DITHERED

20. What are you wearing? CLOTHES

21. Your TV? DUSTY

22. Your pets? CATS

23. Friends? RARE

24. Your life? CHAOTIC

25. Your mood? TIRED

26. Missing someone? DOROTHY

27. Car? DYING

28. Something you're not wearing? HAT

29. Your favorite store? SCRAPBOOK

30. Your favorite color? BLUE

33. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY

34. Last time you cried? TODAY

35. Who will resend this? YOU

36. One place that I go to over and over? FACEBOOK

37. One person who IMs me regularly? DON

38. My favorite place to eat? REDLOBSTER

39. Why you participated in this survey? PEERS

40. What are you doing tonight? HOME

41. Favorite animal? CAT

42. Beach or Mountains? BEACH

43. Cake or Pie? CAKE

44. You? TIRED

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm not sure what they have against food critics, but it was apparently a fun game. It's a "snow" day here, but the slushy ice is no fun to play in so I've got 6-10 kids in the house at any given time. Sorry about the bad lighting--they'd been playing for 10 minutes or so before I remembered I had Ben's vidster nearby, but it's a kid video camera with no lights. At least they're not fighting with each other...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mexico Night:

Ben played a Dr. who tries to save poor senior Del Gato, who falls off a roof after receiving a love note from a lady cat. Alas, in spite of excellent medical care, the cat expires. And yet there is singing and dancing--ole! Sadly, mom didn't realize the production would be in the gym and didn't bring a telephoto lens, so everything is grainy. Ay Carrimba!

365 week 2

Well, I missed a day already--not so good! I thought I had taken pictures every day, but can't find any for Friday the 9th, so I either dropped the ball or my camera date got screwy. Honestly I can't remember! Everyone has been sort of sick the past few days and life just got away.

Monday--two pictures: Ben at the woodshop making his pinewood derby car and all the boys playing over. Why sit on the couch when you can hide behind it and/or sit on top? Using it as designed is just BORING!

Tuesday--annoying Roran cat being annoying. He doesn't like his food. He protests loudly. And then jumps on me in the middle of the night to protest...

Wednesday--finally got some crafting done. These are out of the box for me--ATCs for a Valentine's day letter swap. My letters were L (Love Lips) and N (Naughty). The Naughty guy stamp cracks me up!

Thursday--Ben had a program at school (Mexico night). Very boring for little brother. Good thing dad has such strong shoulders...

Friday--Who knows?

Sat--Hockey again. Two pics--Daniel being crazy at Ben's away game (so boring for little brothers) and Daniel pouding his goalie stick in frustration. Daniel's game was much longer than usual (80 minutes instead of 60) and the team he was playing against had some very good players. He made some awesome saves, but a lot of rebounds went in. He held it together well for about an hour, but those last 20 minutes were VERY frustrating for him. He still came back to the game and ended happy. I'm so thankful that kid can shake things off and keep his spirits up!

Sun--look, Hockey again! We had 4 ice times in 2 days--Ben had 2 travel games, they had one game together and they had pick-ups early Sunday. Daniel wanted to play goalie at pickups even though he hadn't dressed out as a goalie. Didn't matter to him...

So, that's another week down! Hoping this one will bring healthy kids and a clean house! (Where are those maid fairies when you need them?)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Project 365--week one

Trying the project 365 this year. Hoping it will both get me using my camera again and doing some regular blogging.

First picture is minutes after the ball drop--annual New Year's party at our friends' house. For once I gave the camera to someone else so I could be in the picture. Don't love the double chins, but it's nice to have one of me and the boys for a change. And everyone was HAPPY, which is a big plus!

Jan. 2, after dinner. Don is multi-tasking: trying to finish his cheesecake dessert and acting as playground for the boys. They're using him as a jungle gym and throwing themselves around his leg like it's a pommel horse or parallel bars. It's good to have a strong dad...

Jan. 3--sweet Saffy cat. I think she's almost blind out of her left eye now (note the reflective difference from the flash). One thing about her going blind is that she both keeps closer to home now and has become much more affectionate. Last night she even crawled under the covers with me in bed--a first!

Jan. 4--Emo Boy Ben. Let Ben have a sleepover with friends last night--last big fling before back to school tomorrow. BIG MISTAKE! They SAID they were in bed by 930, but that kid is SERIOUSLY short on sleep today, and by 12 noon has already had several MAJOR meltdowns and even got sent to his room. Note to self: NO MORE SLEEPOVERS!