Sunday, September 07, 2008

Today the boys found a turtle. Eastern Box, to be exact, Terrepene Carolina. He sure was cute. They wanted to "rescue him", but I convinced everyone to put him back in the woods where he belongs. I'm hopeful he wasn't too traumatized by the enthusiastic boy-handling. They were respectful, but still picked him up before they told me about it. I'm glad they wanted to help him, but wish they'd understand NOT to touch without getting a grown-up first. At least it wasn't a skunk, right?

Today is international rock-flipping day. So the boys and I set off to the woods. Soon we had an enthusiastic band of kids following along flipping rocks. It was difficult to get them to remember to put the rocks back exactly as they were, but I think they got the message. It's been raining a lot here lately, so mostly we found earthworms. And one big termite nest. But a good time was had by all...